The Men’s Moral Code

[This Draft version is now Open for Comments]

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Opening Declaration:

1. We, Men, must first define Morality.
2. Then We, Men, must adopt and live by Morality.
3. Then We, Men, must teach Morality to every Men and Boy in the World.

The Men’s Moral Code:

The 3 main principles of the Men’s Moral Code are:

1. The Men’s Moral Code contains language that teaches Men and Boys how to be Good, Constructive and Moral members of Society.

2. The Men’s Moral Code contains Instructions to Men and Boys on how to Protect themselves from individual Women, Women as a Collective, the Feminist Society and the Anti-Male/Men biased Legal System.

3. The Men’s Moral Code contains the Commitment by all Men to communicate, teach, enlighten and explain the Men’s Moral Code to every Man and Boy in their lives.

It’s about time we define the Morality that will Free Men !!!

Here is how it works:

1. Adopting the Men’s Moral Code will make Men and Boys Good.
2. Adopting the Men’s Moral Code will make Men and Boys protect themselves from Women, Feminism, the Feminist Society and the Anti-Male/Men biased Legal System.
3. Adopting the Men’s Moral Code will make Men and Boys convey the Men’s Moral Code to all other Men and Boys.
4. Because Men and Boys are now Good, Men and Boys will be listened to and looked up to as leaders.
5. Because Men and Boys are listened to and looked up to as leaders, Men and Boys will reform society.

The promises:

When you keep and follow the Men’s Moral Code, these promises will come true for you and you may even be surprised: You will be honored and respected in your home, city and country. Your sons and daughters will respect and honor you. Your sons and daughters will be honored and respected. You, your sons and daughters will be productive members of society and be well-off. You will bee seen as a leader in your home and community. Together we, Men and Boys will defeat all enemies that rise up against us. Together we, Men and Boys will reform and improve the society and the country in which we live.

Provided that you keep and follow the Men’s Moral Code, your position in the community and society will be established and respected. You will reach a peaceful state of mind and your proficiency and skills to analyze and make good decisions will greatly improve. You will reach a position of leadership and your standing will continue to improve as long as you keep and follow the Men’s Moral Code.

The Men’s Moral Code:

Introduction to the Men’s Moral Code:

The Men’s Moral Code is made of Simple and Basic rules designed to make Men and Boys Morally Good, to protect Men and Boys from Women, Feminism, the Feminist Society and the Anti-Male/Men biased Legal System and to teach Men and Boys how to convey the Men’s Moral Code to all other Men and Boys in the world.

It is clear and obvious that every rule has exceptions. The Men’s Moral Code is made of Simple and Basic rules to follow without specifying the Exceptions. It is explicitly understood that there are exceptions to every statement in the code.

1. The Men’s Moral Code contains language that teaches Men and Boys how to be Good, Constructive and Moral members of Society.

Introduction to the Men’s Moral Code Principle #1:

In order to be in the driver seat, we, Men, must adopt the qualities of a Leader. The most important quality of a Leader is Morality. The most important quality of a Leader is to have Moral Values and to think and behave Morally. Being Good and Moral will put us, Men, in a position where society sees us as role models – an example for them to follow.

Being Morally Good also has the effect of pushing Bad people away from you and attracting Good people to you. Preaching Good Morals has the effect of attracting Good people to you and reforming Society for the better.

The Men’s Moral Code Principle #1:

1.1. Honor and Respect your fellow Man and Boy.

1.1.1. All Men and Boys in the world share a common biology and a common brain. We are all flesh and blood and we all experience pain – both physical pain and emotional pain. You are to Honor and Respect these Human aspects in other Men and Boys and to avoid causing either physical pain or emotional pain to your fellow Man and Boy.

1.1.2. Although all Men and Boys in the world share a common brain, our minds differ because our history is different. Because of differences in our past lives – in our childhood and later life stages – our minds and our beliefs developed differently. Despite of those differences we all have a working mind and we are all capable of analyzing situations, drawing conclusions, forming opinions and making decisions. When others challenge our beliefs, analyses, conclusions, opinions and/or decisions we may experience emotional pain. You are to Honor and Respect the beliefs, analyses, conclusions, opinions and decisions of other Men and Boys.

1.1.3. Alcohol and other Brain Affecting Drugs (drugs that influece the Nervous System) significantly change the neurotransmitters (nerve cell communication chemicals) in the Brain and will cause damage with repeated use. Although the brain is self-correcting, repeated use of Alcohol and/or other Brain Affecting Drugs alter the production of dopamine and/or dopamine receptors in the brain. A secondary effect of the chemical imbalance created by the repeated use of Alcohol and other Brain Affecting Drugs is the deterioration, retrogression and distortion of the Normal Brain Processes which in turn will alter and distort the representation of reality in the mind. Repeated use of Alcohol and/or other Brain Affecting Drugs will result in Mental Illness and/or Addiction. You are to advocate for moderate and non-abusive use of Alcohol. The use of other Brain Affecting Drugs should be limited to when strictly necessary.

1.2. Refrain from Harming other Human Beings either by actions or by words.

1.2.1. Do not physically harm another Human Being in any way. Do not ever condone physical harming of a Human Being.

1.2.2. Do not physically harm, steal from or destroy the property of other Human Beings.

1.2.3. Do not approach, attract, charm, chase, date/take out, entice, flatter, follow, invite, have sex with, make love to, court to, propose, pursue, seek or solicit a Woman/Girl who is Married or is in a relationship with another Man/Boy.

1.2.4. Do not threaten or intimidate another Human Being. Do not speak ill of another Human Being or harm his/her reputation.

1.2.5. Be honest, always speak the truth. Lying is harming by misinforming. Do not lie to the authorities or in a court of law under any circumstances.

1.2.6. Be loyal and trustworthy. Betrayal, deception, dishonesty and hypocrisy cause great harm to others.

1.2.7. Practice, exercise and display Patience, Love, Kindness, Goodness, Gentleness, Peace, Self-control and Humility and refrain from Hatred, Zealousness, Outbursts of Anger or Selfishness.

1.3. Refrain from harming Planet Earth, its atmosphere, oceans, soil, plants or living beings.

1.3.1. Planet Earth is (almost) a closed system and it is a finite resource. Planet Earth supports all living beings including us humans and there is nowhere else we can go if the Earth ceases to support life. It is crucial that you protect and refrain from harming Planet Earth, its atmosphere, oceans, soil, plants or living beings.

1.3.2. All the Fossil Fuel that we burn, Petroleum, Coal and Natural Gas originates from a process called Photosynthesis where plans captured sun light over billions of years and produced carbohydrates and oxygen, while consuming carbon dioxide – CO2 – and water. Our Atmosphere contains the present level of oxygen and (low level) of carbon dioxide – CO2 due to the process of Photosynthesis. As we are burning Fossil Fuel we are in fact reversing this process that created the present atmospheric levels of oxygen and of CO2 that in turn support life on Planet Earth. Therefor you are to advocate for the decrease of our consumption of and dependency on Fossil Fuel.

1.3.3. Other contaminators such as detergents, oils and other chemicals contaminate our water, seas, oceans and soil, making Planet Earth more toxic. Therefor you are to advocate for the decrease of our usage of and dependency on detergents, oils and other contaminators.

1.3.4. Plants and living beings on Planet Earth – unless cultivated by Human Beings for consumption – are a part of Nature which supports life on Planet Earth. Therefor you are to advocate against harming of Plants and living beings which are a part of Nature.

2. The Men’s Moral Code contains Instructions to Men and Boys on how to Protect themselves from individual Women, Women as a Collective, the Western Feminist Society and the Anti-Male/Men biased Legal System.

Introduction to the Men’s Moral Code Principle #2:

Men often end up in dire situations as a consequence of interactions with Women. The instructions contained in the Men’s Moral Code Principle #2 aim at helping men to avoid these situations. A list of causes and undesired situations is as follows:

Lies by Women, False Allegations/Accusations of Rape, Assault, Domestic Violence, Harassment or Stalking by women against men, Loss of home by false Protective Orders, Loss of property by divorce, Child Support Payments, Alimony, Loss of Custody over children, Parental Alienation.

The Men’s Moral Code Principle #2:

2.1. Men and Boys are naturally attracted to Women and Girls. Men have a natural drive to have sex with a Woman or Women. Women and Girls who deem it beneficial will use this fact to Manipulate, Abuse, Exploit, Extort, Bully and Harm Men and Boys. Men and Boys must understand their natural drives and learn to avoid Manipulations, Abuse, Exploitation, Extortion, Bullying and being Harmed by Women and Girls.

2.2. Men have a natural drive to Provide for Women and Children, to Protect them, to form a Family and to have Children with a Woman. Women and Girls who deem it beneficial will use this fact to Manipulate, Abuse, Exploit, Extort, Bully and Harm Men and Boys.

2.3. Marriage is a Moral Contract between a Man and a Woman to Live together as a Family for life – until death. The purpose of Marriage is to establish a Family, to have and to raise children to be Healthy and Morally Good adults, and to provide a Moral Example to the adult Sons and Daughters. Divorce and Separation have made Marriage meaningless as this Moral Contract between a Man and a Woman can be made void at any time and for any or no reason. It is senseless to engage in a life-long Moral Contract if the contract can be broken at any time.

2.4. The consequences of the very probable breakage of the Moral Contract between a Man and a Woman to Live together as a Family for life are loss/division of property, Child Support and/or Alimony payments. The characteristics of Child Support and Alimony are such that they are controlled by the State’s Legal System and the Woman – The Man has no control over this process or its outcome and the Man’s voice is not heard. The penalty for not paying (or not being able to pay) Child Support/Alimony is often imprisonment.

2.5. Both Feminist Dogmas, Domestic Violence Organizations and the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) incite, encourage, motivate and give incentives either directly or indirectly to False Allegations/Accusations by Women/Girls against Men/Boys. Women and Girls who deem it beneficial will make False Allegations/Accusations against Men/Boys of:

– Rape
– Domestic Violence
– Sexual Assault
– Harassment
– Stalking

The above list is referred to as Abuse* in the following.

After more than 45 years of Domestic Violence Advocacy Groups/Organization’s Propaganda and Dogma that is now Programmed into Politics, the Government, Courts, Police and the General Public, we are now experiencing an Epidemic of False Allegations/Accusations by Women/Girls against Men/Boys. In order to protect yourself from False Allegations/Accusations of Abuse* avoid being alone with a Woman/Girl you are not very familiar with and have no acquaintance, affiliation or familiarity, with her family.

2.6. The Violence Against Women Act immigration provision – aka: The VAWA Immigration loophole – is initiated by the Foreign Woman by filing a I-360 petition with USCIS. The approval of the I-360 petition by USCIS does not require proof of Abuse*, rather mere Allegations/Accusations of Abuse* by a Foreign Woman are sufficient. The VAWA Immigration loophole thus incites, encourages, motivates and gives incentives to the Foreign Woman to Deceive a Legal Resident Man into marrying her and then make False Allegations/Accusations against the Man. A Foreign Woman who Marries, or enters the country to be with a Legal Resident Man and who deems it beneficial will utilize The VAWA Immigration loophole and make False Allegations/Accusations against the Man in order to obtain a Green Card and Citizenship.

2.7. The Legal System, which includes The Legislative Bodies – Congress, Representatives, Senators and associated Lawyers – and The Executive Branch – Courts, Judges and associated Lawyers, the Police, Sheriff, Protective Child Services and other Government Bodies including some Non-Profit, Government Funded Organizations – have been substantially influenced by the more than 45 years of Domestic Violence Advocacy Groups/Organization’s Propaganda and Dogma. This fact combined with decades of Anti-Male/Men biased Legislative work has resulted in a substantial Anti-Male/Men bias in the Legal System.

There is blatant anti-male discrimination in the criminal justice system and the sentencing disparity between men and women exceeds that between whites and any other minority. The Average sentences for crime by gender are: Female – 18.51 months and Male – 51.52 months. 93% of the prison population is male with over 60% having no High School education. America has now passed Russia as the country that has the largest percentage of its population incarcerated, yet we still claim to be the freest country on earth.

The problem of sentencing disparities is compounded by an epidemic of false accusations: 308 (current data) wrongly convicted people have been exonerated by DNA evidence since the beginning of the Innocence Project. The vast majority of the wrongly convicted were men. Most of them were falsely imprisoned for rape. Capital Punishment Targets Men Almost Exclusively.

Men are fully half of the victims of domestic violence (26% of intimate partner homicides), yet are denied service at most tax payer funded domestic violence shelters. Men are treated unfairly by the family court system. It was found that men – often falsely accused of domestic violence – are not getting due process. It was found that government programs for women are getting far more funding than programs for men which hardly exist.

The Anti-Male/Men bias in the Divorce court system often impose financial ramifications on Men upon a divorce as well as social prejudice in regard to their children. Fatherhood is the single most important relationship a man can have, but Divorce courts operate under the idea that women are automatically considered better caretakers.

An extreme example of the Domestic Violence Groups Advocated Legal System Corruption are Ex-Parte Protective/Restraining/No-Contact Orders/Injunctions where the Due Process clauses of the Fifth and the Fourteenth Amendments of the Constitution are violated. After filing the petition for the Order/Injunction the Woman can have a judge sign the petition without notifying the respondent Man. At that point the Order/Injunction is in effect without a notification or a hearing which is clearly a violation of due process and consequently a mere claim by the petitioner Woman that the respondent Man has violated the order results in the Man being arrested.

2.8. Women with Personality Disorders, Sociopathy, Psychopathy, Borderline Personality Disorder – BPD, Narcissistic Personality Disorder – NPD etc. are especially harmful to Men/Boys both materially and emotionally. A Personality Disorder is a type of mental illness in which a woman has trouble perceiving and relating to situations and to people — including herself. There are many specific types of personality disorders. In general, having a Personality Disorder means she has a rigid and unhealthy pattern of thinking and behaving no matter what the situation is. This leads to significant problems and limitations in relationships, social encounters, work etc.

Women with a Personality Disorder are associated with a history of childhood abuse, neglect or separation from her parents or loved ones. Women with a Personality Disorder are exceptionally abusive which exhibits as verbal abuse, physical abuse, put downs, manipulation, betrayal, lack of empathy, (false) accusations, failure to communicate, lack of intimacy etc.

To assist you in recognizing whether a Woman has a Personality Disorder here are some general symptoms of a personality disorder. To have a Personality Disorder a Woman may exhibit one of more of the following: Promiscuity, Indiscrimination, Looseness, Frequent mood swings, Stormy relationships, Social isolation, Angry outbursts, Suspicion and mistrust of others, Difficulty making friends, A need for instant gratification, Poor impulse control, Alcohol or Substance Abuse.

2.9. Examining the commodities that we depend on for survival; Housing, Heating, Cooling, Water, Electrical Power, Natural Gas, Petroleum Products, Food, Clothing, Communications etc. and then examining the workers in the occupations providing these commodities by gender/sex, it is clear that Men dominate in the areas essential to our survival. The following occupations are almost exclusively filled by Men: Construction, Electricity, Gas, Water, Transportation, Communications, Manufacturing, Agriculture, Defense, Mining, Oil/Gas Extraction, Warehousing, Fishing etc. A list of major inventions will reveal that the vast majority on inventions were made by men. The entire list can be found by searching on the web for : “list of major inventions”.

Considering the above it is fair to conclude that society depends almost exclusively on Men for survival, while Women depend on Men for survival. It is also fair to assume that because Men are responsible for the survival of Women and Children, that Men have a close relationship with the “Real World” – or Reality, while Women do not necessarily have this relationship. Women who deem it beneficial will twist reality and depart from the truth. Women who deem it beneficial will twist facts to their advantage. Women who deem it beneficial will create a damaging narrative against you, the Man, and will defame and smear your character and reputation.

2.10. Studies have found that half of all workplace bullies are women and you can easily be the victim of a woman bully at the workplace. A pattern of behavior identifies the woman bully. Many bullying behavior exhibit the traits of sociopathy or psycopathy. There are three types of women bullies at the workplace:

– The self-righteous woman who cannot accept that they could possibly be wrong, are devoid of self awareness, and neither know nor care about the impact of their behavior on others.
– The fearful women bullies are afraid, vulnerable, see themselves as victims, and behave in ways they believe will protect them from some imaginary danger.
– The women bullies that behave in ways that they believe are expected, emulating the behaviors of previous abusive managers.

Women bullies are weak, incompetent, immature and are skilled at manipulating and misrepresenting facts. Women bullies are generally inadequate in forming human relations and they gain satisfaction from the suffering of their victims.

2.11. Women as a Collective are mostly concerned with the interest of and benefits for Women, as opposed to Men who are generally concerned with the interest of and benefits for both Children, Women and Men. Feminism is a collection of movements and ideologies concerned with the interest of and benefits for Women.

Feminist ideologies generally constitute of or associated with:

– Women’s Victim-hood
– Women’s Entitlement
– Women’s Supremacy
– Anti-Marriage sentiment
– Anti-Family sentiment
– Abortion rights
– Misandry (Male Hate)
– The Erosion of Morality
– “All Men are Rapists”
– Exaggerated and misleading rhetoric about Rape, Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, Harassment, Stalking and other abuse by Men/Boys against Women/Girls

The consequences – both direct and indirect – of Feminism and Feminist influence and activities on society are:

– The Erosion of Marriage
– The Erosion of the Family
– Slutty Women
– Rise in Divorce
– Rise in Abortions
– More Violent Women
– More False Allegations/Accusations by Women/Girls against Men/Boys
– Rise in Prosecutions of Men
– More Men in Prisons
– The Erosion of Morality
– Destroyed Fatherhood
– Destroyed Families

2.12. Women in Politics generally support the Feminist ideologies described above. Women employees are the majority in government offices. Women in Politics see themselves as victims and behave in ways they believe will protect them from an imaginary danger and are generally unaware of the suffering of Men in Wars, Dangerous Occupations and the Anti-Male biased Legal System.

3. The Men’s Moral Code contains the Commitment by all Men to communicate, teach, enlighten and explain the Men’s Moral Code to every Men and Boy in their life.

Introduction to the Men’s Moral Code Principle #3:

In order to make a real change we, Men, must create an Ideology that would be popular enough to spread itself among Men and Boys. This part of the Code is about how Men are obliged to teach the Men’a Moral Code to every Men and Boy in their life – We begin to teach it to Men and many, most, hopefully all Men will adopt it. Then Men will teach the Men’s Moral Code to their sons and other boys. The Men’s Moral Code will quickly spread among Men and Boys in the entire world.

The Men’s Moral Code Principle #3:

3.1. Communicate, teach, enlighten and explain the Men’s Moral Code to every Men and Boy in your life.

3.2. Continue to read, learn, explore, perfect, adopt and practice the Men’s Moral Code.

3.3. As you continue practicing the Men’s Moral Code life will take on a new meaning as you help Men/Boys overcome dire situations and watch more Men become leaders and society being reformed.

About life4men

Our society has been corrupted by Feminism Dogma (Feminism Lies) and the "Feminist" Domestic Violence Industry Evil Indoctrination. The Problem - The Root of the Problem - I came to understand - is Lack of Moral Values. The Solution lies in Moral Values. We cannot keep Moral Values out.
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42 Responses to The Men’s Moral Code

  1. life4men says:

    It’s about time we talk about a solution for this mess…

  2. Shrikant says:

    Well and all these years we heard about womens upliftment. And Mens did a great job at that now time to help yourself. And the best way to do that is by following Men’s Moral Code

    • life4men says:

      Thanks Shrikant.

      I can see that you belong to the group of men that understand that in order to defeat a bad ideology – Feminism – we must develop and adopt a good ideology.

      This Men’s Moral Code is still a Draft. Do you have any suggestion for additions to the Code?

      Thanks again, – Life4men

  3. David says:

    Too many men are happy to allow women to walk all over us and that’s a large part of the problem,
    What’s really needed is a way to get men to wake up and see how women are deliberately trying to destroy us. Feminism is a hate movement but women in general are influence by them. they don’t want equality either , favouritism, cherry picked rights and special privileges is what they really want and that’s how its going to be until enough of us make a stand against them.

    • life4men says:

      Thanks David.

      I agree that we need a way to get men to wake up and see how women are deliberately trying to destroy us and that Feminism is a hate movement.

      To want equality between Men and Women is problematic to say the least.

      2.9. Talks about how Men provide most of what we depend on for survival; Housing, Heating, Cooling, Water, Electrical Power, Natural Gas, Petroleum Products, Food, etc.

      These occupations are almost exclusively filled by Men: Construction, Electricity, Gas, Water, Transportation, Communications, Manufacturing, Agriculture, Defense, Mining, Oil/Gas Extraction, Warehousing, Fishing etc. Society depends almost exclusively on Men for survival, while Women depend on Men for survival.

      Since Men are the providers in this context and Women are the dependents/ beneficiaries/receivers then equality is not possible. It is similar to when an employee demands equality with the business owner.

      The paid employee is controlled by the employer in most cases. Imagine that we gave the employee equal rights to those of the business owner? Any system where the receivers take control… collapses!

      Without implying any similarity try to consider the feasibility of equality between a Dog and a Dog Tick – the blood sucking tick must be controlled. Imagine that we gave the tick equal rights to those of the Dog? Any system where the Parasite takes control… collapses!

      Feminism is about benefiting Women at the expense of Men. Feminism is the perceived interests of Women.

      Now, about the need for a way to get men to wake up: That is the intention of the Men’s Moral Code. Do you have any addition to propose?

  4. Ivy Shoots says:

    … when you equate women with dog ticks and relegate them to “employee” status under men….

    • life4men says:

      The comment says: Without implying any similarity try to consider the feasibility of equality between a Dog and a Dog Tick – the blood sucking tick must be controlled. Imagine that we gave the tick equal rights to those of the Dog? Any system where the Parasite takes control… collapses!

      Feminism is about benefiting Women at the expense of Men. Feminism is the perceived interests of Women.

      BTW. Can you propose a correction to 2.9?

      • Ivy Shoots says:

        …you can’t handle any corrections beyond what you already couldn’t handle.

      • life4men says:

        Ivy. This is a draft and All Comments are welcome! If I removed some text it’s because it was not related to the text in the draft.

        Do you have any corrections to propose? Do you have any additions to propose? All comments related to the draft’s text are welcome!

  5. mark says:

    i think one thing we need to make clear to any women who want to be in and among us is that we are not here to cater to your delicate sensibility’s and if you are offended there is the with comic con and the atheist movement first they claim to be offended and then they claim to be threatened

  6. CommenterVR says:

    I hadn’t read the draft’s text. I had only read the pics so thanks for linking to it. It covers a lot of things and it is a long read so I haven’t fully read it yet. But I am happy that someone is trying to create some monumental philosophy that will hopefully bind all men in this movement in the future. The moral code is a set of values of course. I once said in this group before that we are living in a world where morality is dying and the values are constantly changing. So if you are trying to define morality for men, you will have to do a lot of research on psychology of men. These days, whatever that doesn’t involve women or isn’t considerate of them is termed as anti-women and everyone accepts it. The laws are such that no matter how a guy lives, if a woman wants, she can destroy his life. The only way we can change that is by creating so much awareness that the laws will have to be changed. I think life for men should serve that purpose the most followed by being educated about psychotic women and staying clear of danger as much as possible. A good way to create awareness would be by starting with telling them about the real inequality hidden beneath the equality propagated all over. Most people don’t know the legal risks when dealing with women. There is a section on alcohol and drugs on the page. Being a vegetarian would be a good add to it imho. But I advice that don’t set the bar so high that the programming in people’s minds makes them do exactly the opposite.

  7. CommenterBH says:

    Most of the code sounds good but to instill such a code on the population you need to have their attention. At the moment the majority are paying attention to the corrupt mainstream media. They come home from work and plug straight into the matrix (switch on their TV sets) This trend needs to be reversed.

    Thanks to the alternative media, more and more people are abandoning mainstream media sources. The information war is on and the outcome will determine whether good or evil prevails. At the same time, government appointed paid trolls are attempting to trash the alternative media such as run by Alex Jones. Yes he rants and raves occasionally, but long term listeners believe his heart is in the right place. No doubt I will be attacked for even mentioning his name and the trolls will post examples of how he has sold out. They can go to hell.

    Coming back to the code, there is one aspect that I have a problem with: the environment and burning of fossil fuels. We all want to be good stewards of the planet. It’s the only one we have and consequently emotions run high when discussing this subject.

    Unfortunately, the environmental movement has been hijacked, specifically over the issue of carbon dioxide and its effects as a greenhouse gas. There are very few of us who are sufficiently qualified to draw conclusions so we have to listen to the experts. Most people listen to the experts in the corrupt mainstream media while sceptical scientists are denied a voice. And I’m talking tens of thousands of scientists who are not allowed anywhere near a television studio to present their data.

    The importance of this subject is grossly underestimated in the men’s movement. It has a direct impact on how families are treated. If the warmists win the day, it is not difficult to see that it will provide the justification for massive depopulation. We do not need to depopulate because fertility rates are dropping in all developed countries.

    In the third world population is rising because children are seen as an insurance policy due to the high mortality rate. The answer is to provide clean drinking water, food, sanitation etc and to ensure that despots to not get hold of aid money to buy arms with. When couples are confident that their offspring will survive they will naturally choose to have less.

    • life4men says:

      Thanks for the comment CommenterBH.

      Yep, I agree! “They come home from work and plug straight into the matrix (switch on their TV sets) This trend needs to be reversed”

      – Do you have any ideas?

      Re: ” I have a problem with: the environment and burning of fossil fuels. We all want to be good stewards of the planet. It’s the only one we have and consequently emotions run high when discussing this subject.”

      – Can you propose corrections / additions to any of these?:

      1.3. Refrain from harming Planet Earth, its atmosphere, oceans, soil, plants or living beings.

      1.3.1. Planet Earth is (almost) a closed system and it is a finite resource. Planet Earth supports all living beings including us humans and there is nowhere else we can go if the Earth ceases to support life. It is crucial that you protect and refrain from harming Planet Earth, its atmosphere, oceans, soil, plants or living beings.

      1.3.2. All the Fossil Fuel that we burn, Petroleum, Coal and Natural Gas originates from a process called Photosynthesis where plans captured sun light over billions of years and produced carbohydrates and oxygen, while consuming carbon dioxide – CO2 – and water. Our Atmosphere contains the present level of oxygen and (low level) of carbon dioxide – CO2 due to the process of Photosynthesis. As we are burning Fossil Fuel we are in fact reversing this process that created the present atmospheric levels of oxygen and of CO2 that in turn support life on Planet Earth. Therefor you are to advocate for the decrease of our consumption of and dependency on Fossil Fuel.

      1.3.3. Other contaminators such as detergents, oils and other chemicals contaminate our water, seas, oceans and soil, making Planet Earth more toxic. Therefor you are to advocate for the decrease of our usage of and dependency on detergents, oils and other contaminators.

      1.3.4. Plants and living beings on Planet Earth – unless cultivated by Human Beings for consumption – are a part of Nature which supports life on Planet Earth. Therefor you are to advocate against harming of Plants and living beings which are a part of Nature.

  8. VWAmongUs says:

    I think it’s an excellent start in the re-educate of men & boys, that their duty in life is to lead. Men have always been the leaders of all societies and should be again. It should come as no surprise to rational thinkers that the reason men were chosen by God or nature (which ever you believe in) to be the leaders of all previous societies. Just recently have we altered that age old tradition, and look at the results. Society is crumbling. I’m old enough to have witnessed it with my own eyes. 40 years ago, families were much happier and society flourished. This all changed in the 1960’s during the feminist revolution. This is when we began to see the downfall of societies across the western world. I remember when a man could support his family by himself. Now it takes two incomes to support a family. And this was no accident. The plan to destroy the family unit and society as a whole was well thought-out and planned. But I could ramble on about this subject for hours. Now, getting back to the site.

    Adopting a moral code for men & boys is a good start. Morality (or the lack of) is the primary reason our societies are collapsing. If we don’t find a way to reverse this, all will be lost.

    I found a typo error in the following paragraph. (ans) is mis-spelled.

    “Provided that you keep and follow the Men’s Moral Code, your position in the community and society will be established and respected. You will reach a peaceful state of mind and your proficiency (ans) skills……”

    Re; “1.2.1. Do not physically harm another Human Being in any way. Do not ever condone physical harming of a Human Being.”

    I believe there’s one exception to this. Self defense. All human beings have the right to defend themselves.

    I found section 2.6 to be very interesting. “2.6. The Violence Against Women Act immigration provision — aka: The VAWA Immigration loophole……”

    Once again, this loophole was no mistake. It was purposely placed in VAWA as a means for foreign women to use as a means of obtaining citizenship at the expense of men. The crafters of this so-called loophole knew that the foreign women would become new voters for the man hating left.

    In conclusion, I agree with the moral code as described on this site. Did you create this site?

  9. FBJTag says:

    Making a moral code specific to men is interesting because I always felt women behave like the common sense of HUMAN morality (for example the goldern rule, don’t do to others what you wouldn’t to yourself) does NOT apply to them.

    In this perspective making a moral code for men, many of whom naturally follow the HUMAN moral code of common sense, compared to much less women doing the same, and much more women doing exactly what they “feel” like doing with no restraint while they expect others to refrain from even CRITICIZING them….

    …is perhaps UNNECESSARY.

    What shouldbe stressed is that common sense morality, and the golden rule, apply to BOTH MEN AND WOMEN and women are NOT dispensed from following it. Also, women are Not superior, do not own the truth, are not God, and are capable of saying and doing stupid shit, and criticizing them is PERMITTED just as it is criticizing a man acting in an ill-conceived way and not respecting the one and simple god mother-fuckin golden fuckin rule that idiots think it’s not very relevant and important while it is.

    Note: common sense often ASKS one to do to others what others do to themselves that they wouldn’t (opposition of feminism and immorality should just be this…you break your own rule because you OWN the rule as a tool, it shouldn’t own you, because you payed respect to the rule and as a reward the rule grants you the exception). This does not ERASE the golden rule…the two things go hand by hand…it’s called common sense and justice really, something women are not fans of. They’re fans of bestiality, lawlessness, rudeness, and being fucked in their asses. That’s the definition of beautiful and attractive to them…but while they dream to be fucked by a rude primitive man, they usually hook up with the first most uninspiring and unimpressive moron they find in the streets, and usually marry him.

    happiness in their lives? satisfaction, sense, completeness, great sex? where? just in their dreams and in movies. The average modern woman’s life SUCKS and is as non glamorous as fuck. the most glamorous thing they have is their high hills shoes, everything else is pathetic by THEIR OWN standards.

    Surely only an idiot can still be impressed by a woman being all glamorous and fashionable and shit, right? Pathetic is what they are. My entire generation is PATHETIC in its core values and standards. Worst generation ever conceived. Less enlightened and less cool and the most ignorant and arrogant and naive and idiotic.

  10. life4men says:

    Thanks for the detailed comments, FBJTag.

    Although the Men’s Moral Code is made for men, it is Not specific to men… The idea is to concentrate on men and boys to begin with and then men will induce this morality unto women and girls, i.e the entire society.

    There is a good reason why we want to start with men and boys. In history it was always men who speculated, defined and enforced morality. Women always had issues with morality… and there are reasons for that too…

    The “Golden Rule” is not enough… if you examine it:

    “One should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself.”
    “One should not treat others in ways that one would not like to be treated”

    … you will notice that the “Golden Rule” does not allow for differences in how people want to be treated. I.e. the “Golden Rule” assumes everyone wants to be treated the same way – which is not the case in reality.

    Common sense is not enough either… Common sense differs from person to person:

    “1.1.1. All Men and Boys in the world share a common biology and a common brain. We are all flesh and blood and we all experience pain – both physical pain and emotional pain. You are to Honor and Respect these Human aspects in other Men and Boys and to avoid causing either physical pain or emotional pain to your fellow Man and Boy.

    1.1.2. Although all Men and Boys in the world share a common brain, our minds differ because our history is different. Because of differences in our past lives – in our childhood and later life stages – our minds and our beliefs developed differently. Despite of those differences we all have a working mind and we are all capable of analyzing situations, drawing conclusions, forming opinions and making decisions. When others challenge our beliefs, analyses, conclusions, opinions and/or decisions we may experience emotional pain. You are to Honor and Respect the beliefs, analyses, conclusions, opinions and decisions of other Men and Boys.”

    And lastly: Justice is only as good as the Morality that defined it to begin with.

    Thanks again for your comment.

  11. FBSTJohn says:

    Comming to think of it, morality to me is everything that is good and wholesome to me, and all that do otherwise are immoral.

    • life4men says:

      I think you got it! FBSTJohn.

      “Morality is everything that is good”

      The trouble many people are having is: learning, understanding, discerning what is good and what is bad.

      The issue is that our animal nature, survival instincts (= Evil nature) gets in way.

      The only way to figure this out is to build wisdom over many years (thousands of years) by observing the results over time of decisions and actions people have taken/done.

      This Code is the basic – important part of Morality

  12. FBSprkGmr says:

    I suspect that the feminists appreciate that someone is trying to provide a moral code for “men and boys”. Think women are fed up with the “rape culture” and I suspect that geezer judges are more on men’s side, if they can get away with it.

    If you are going to go down the path of presenting a moral code you should do one for “women and girls” also – a side by side.

    These genders here have some issues though, men control through intimidation a show of strength. Women control through their sexuality, image and desire that men have for them.

    • life4men says:

      Thanks! Great comment!

      Re: “you should do one [moral code] for “women and girls” also”

      – Historically, women always had issues with Morality and there is a good reason for that.

      The reason is: “Women control through their sexuality, image and desire that men have for them.” – Sounds familiar?

      Elaborating on the reason why women always had issues with Morality: How many women do you think would voluntarily give up the option to “Sell” their sexuality in return for:

      – Control
      – Power
      – Attention
      – Affection
      – Free meals and drinks
      – House
      – Car
      – Money… ?

      In other words – to be totally blunt – how many women do you think would voluntarily give up the option to be a prostitute?

      So that’s where we got the idea to concentrate on Men:

      (From The Men’s Moral Code:)

      Here is how it works:

      1. Adopting the Men’s Moral Code will make Men and Boys Good.
      2. Adopting the Men’s Moral Code will make Men and Boys protect themselves from Women, Feminism, the Feminist Society and the Anti-Male/Men biased Legal System.
      3. Adopting the Men’s Moral Code will make Men and Boys convey the Men’s Moral Code to all other Men and Boys.
      4. Because Men and Boys are now Good, Men and Boys will be listened to and looked up to as leaders.
      5. Because Men and Boys are listened to and looked up to as leaders, Men and Boys will reform society.

  13. DadOfOne says:

    Except for the environmental element to this (which is primarily pushed by feminists as a method of destroying capitalism and implementing socialism), I agree wholeheartedly with this statement.

    Additionally, I would suggest limiting the influence of the gynocentric media. This is a major influence on young men, and rarely provides positive messages about and town.

    • life4men says:

      Thanks for the comment, DadOfOne.

      I am happy for your “Thumbs-up” to the Men’s Moral Code.

      Re: “Except for the environmental element…” – Assuming you believe it to be inaccurate, could you please propose corrections to 1.3. Refrain from harming Planet Earth… ?

      Re: “limiting the influence of the gynocentric media. This is a major influence on young men…” – How do you propose we do this?

      Thanks again.

  14. FBSctMrq says:

    I honestly do believe “bad” men start out as “good” boys and just as you answered the very reason why in your post, its because of the anti-male governance wave that’s been eating away at a mans foresight and confusing boys as to which path they need to follow. I believe starting with our male politicians is a good way to start. The Texas governor, I believe, is one of the biggest perpetrators of giving young men the wrong message to carry with them. He said to women in a speech regarding violence against women, “its all our fault”. Who in the world does this guy think he is planting that seed in the young minds of boys and young men?! Boys natural aggressiveness shouldnt be hindered but he should be taught at a young age to control it and not be taught that competition is wrong but a good thing at a respectable level.I believe you are going in the right direction with what you are doing, I truly do. But the wording itself has got to be as careful as the paradox your organization is trying to obtain.

    Please allow me to reiterate I believe this is an EXCELLENT start in the right direction and from a guy whom has had false allegations mounted against him but only had the charges reduced by a “conveyor belt” type lawyer and justice system, THANK YOU…

    • life4men says:

      Yes. I agree about the “anti-male governance wave that’s been eating away at a mans foresight and confusing boys as to which path they need to follow”

      Would you be interested in helping with the “wording itself [that] has got to be as careful” ?

      Thanks for your comment.

  15. FBRkhKsh says:

    Solutions fail because the will to correct male suffering is simply not sufficiently widespread in society. Men are viewed (and often view themselves as) expendable fodder, for both social and biological reasons. The various masculinist narratives fail (except MGTOW) because they remain narratives, never escaping books or websites. What is so good about MGTOW (or Men leaving the Anglosphere, my own contribution) is that it does not depend on the (largely imaginary) desire of the state/society to improve men’s lives.

    • life4men says:

      I agree that “the will to correct male suffering is simply not sufficiently widespread in society”

      I would even claim that the will to correct male suffering does not exist in the US.

      But in my opinion MGTOW is Not a Solution, but a Reaction:

      It is important to classify things into Causes, Consequences, Reactions and Solutions.

      Considering all the mess related to Feminism and the “Feminist” Domestic Violence Industry, then:

      – Human Nature (Women’s Nature)
      – Lack of Morality (Immorality)

      – Feminist narrative that – Women are Good, All Men are Violent and Rapists! – Women are helpless Victims, Men are perpetrators! – Women need Help and Protection, Men must be Restrained, Prosecuted and Jailed!
      – Anti-Male Bias in Government, Courts, Police, Education, Media and General Public.
      – Epidemic of False Accusations of Sexual Harassment, Domestic Violence and Rape.

      – MGTOW.
      – MRM narrative that Men, Fathers, Boys are suffering.
      – MRM narrative that Feminism is evil.
      – AVFM
      – NCFM
      – …

      – ???
      – The Men’s Moral Code by Life for Men



    EARN IT.


    TO GET IT.






    FIGHT EVIL?????





    (Soul, spirituality, existence, self-realization, etc.

    I say morality must be EARNED, & not
    given to people that don’t deserve it
    (The murderer on death row). This gives
    us the leverage we need to make people
    moral. Without leverage they will never
    become moral, they have no reason to
    embrace Morality???

    Karma says what goes around comes
    around, if women want loyality, respect,
    honesty THEY MUST EARN IT. They must
    be loyal, responsible, honest people.

    If we give away our morality “FREE”, then
    we will just be walked upon, and used by
    women, we have no backbone, no
    leverage, nothing to get respect

    1). Treat women like shit, as long as they
    treat us like shit, if they want more let them

    Don’t marry women

    Don’t have babies with them

    Don’t spend money on them

    This should be the “MEN’S MORAL CODE
    the code that gives us the




    Thank You for reading my opinion
    & submission

    • life4men says:

      Thank you so much, Earl Anthony (Dart Mascuist) for this very detailed comment.

      I agree with the majority of your points. Feel free to propose additional language (text) for the Men’s Moral Code. Thank you again.

  17. victmized man says:

    It’s good initiative, I think you can though merge this with A voice for men’s “wiki” ( ) . That will cover your cost to sustain to host this site, without donations for long time. Also I think we should make up a very concentrated Men’s Right Portal/Wiki instead of putting it up in many places. Wikipedia has its own bunch of Feminazis editing out everything. I think “a voice for men” wiki is a good place to put this into. You will also get a good traffic by default.

    Apart from that you have really put a good and well researched effort into this. Thanks for your precious time on writing this.

    when in a true incident, a 14 year old boy complaint of being sexually victimized by a 20+ year old female , THEN many “men” are BEMUSED by the complaint. They will say that he should feel lucky to be given the chance etc etc.
    Their rants change if genders are reversed(say: 14 yr girl, 20 yr old man), then the same male reader would have cried: pedophilia; just cut the 20+ yr old male’s tool… this… that.
    This kind of many male commentators and thinkers, belittle what that 14 yr old boy pained at, society assumes that male is a sexual predator, always on a prowl for sex, if somebody is not doing this, then there is something wrong with him.
    This kind of male commentators, male police members, male judges; who are BEMUSED at other male’s victimization at hand of females, SHOULD ALSO BE DEALT SOMEHOW IN THIS CODE (MAY BE).

    Feminazis have done a far better job historically on mass advertising her false victim-hood for centuries and also in supporting each other sympathetically on these issues. But many of males, ourselves take very lightly the male victim, and tell him “TO MAN UP”. This manning up should be dealt in this.

    That is, in the name of “manning up”, we should not suppress and mock and bemuse victim, and discourage him to report incidents for the fear of being ridiculed. This ultimately leads to this higher rate of suicide of men.

    We may probably , also deal with: (as already said above) perception of male to perform on societal expectation (as created and STEREOTYPED by media, movies) by salivating as soon as we see a female and we should start dreaming of sex with her and this.. and that.

    There is a world of behaving with dignity and life beyond girls, and we need only romantically attach ourselves with a mate we mentally match. In the group , we should not feel pressurized (due to male disinterestedness by media) enough to show falsified interest in having sex with each girl we meet.

    MALE MODESTY: It is not girly to ask for dealing delicately with male modesty. In hospitals, there 0% care of male modesty, a male nude patient may be put uncovered in broad hallway. Whereas female patients will be given full privacy. If male patient asks for male nurse attendants, then female nurses will scorn at him through eyes, and in order to show that he is not gay, male patient will have to agree to perform intimate processes by female nurses; whereas female patients are given full ears to each request.

    In many cases modest male patients, feel dehumanized in hospital environment, with no care for their feelings and privacy.
    SO, If male does not have modesty issue, then it is not an issue. BUT if a male has modesty issues, then there is nothing wrong in it and he should give himself full voice and other male family members full voice to give them modesty care.

    • life4men says:

      Thank you victmized man for your detailed comment.

      I agree with you about making a “concentrated” Men’d Rights portal. For some reason A Voice for Men are not interested in this project. A Voice for Men see this Code as an Ideology and for some reason they object to all “Ideologies”.

      I totally agree with you on the Anti-Male bias in the entire society. I phrase it as follows:

      45 years of “Feminist” Domestic Violence Industry Evil Indoctrination that is now Indoctrinated into Politics, the Government, Courts, Police and General Public, Encouraging an Epidemic of False Accusations of Sexual Harassment, Domestic Violence and Rape, that:
      – Women are Good, All Men are Violent and Rapists!
      – Women are helpless Victims, Men are Perpetrators!
      – Women need Help and Protection, Men must be Restrained, Prosecuted and Jailed!

      I also agree with you on adding language against the Suppressing, Mocking and Ridiculing of Male Victims.

      I also agree with you on the causes for higher rate of suicide of men.

      Thanks again for the comment.

  18. Bamph says:

    I like your code and see no issue with it at all except for one thing that I noted early in the piece. The quote is below.
    “Because Men and Boys are now Good, Men and Boys will be listened to and looked up to as leaders.”
    This quote implies that men and boys are NOT GOOD untill after they recieve the new moral code. This kinda supports the feminists idea that all men are evil.
    Perhaps this could be changed to a more positive message for men abd boys who have yet to have recieved the “code”.
    Otherwise, good job on this. Best of luck. Overcomming the feminists machine is a daunting task to say the least. You also have to overcome male instinct to protect and serve females in addition to decades of feminist indoctrinated society.

    • life4men says:

      Thank you Bamph for the great comment!

      You hit the nail right on the head!

      Re: The “quote implies that men and boys are NOT GOOD until after they receive the new moral code” – We didn’t mean to imply that. The idea is that no-one – neither Men nor Women – are truly Morally Good before they understand what it means “to be Good”. The Men’s Moral Code is addressing Men and Boys, providing them with the opportunity to be truly Morally Good.

      Please propose alternative phrasing for the statement in question. Your help with this is greatly appreciated!

      Thanks again for the great comment!

  19. Timothy W. Collins Delaware sex offender registry says:

    My name is Timothy W. Collins Delaware Sex offender registry FALSELY ACCUSED!!!
    I was 15 years old, might I add I am now 33 years old.
    In 1996, I was falsely accused of a sex crime.
    Around the time the Sex offender registry became a big hit in the criminal justice council.
    I wasn’t being sought out for being a defendant, I was being sought out as being a statistic to the CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM.
    I was wrongfully convicted on this case.
    I had a public defender (an advocate for the attorney generals) who dragged my case along for three years offering plea bargains, yet when I denied the plea bargains, the lawyers would reschedule the trial (for three years!!!)
    Finally, realizing I could not win with a public defender, I just wanted to get the weight off my shoulders, so I asked the public defender what the deal was (after I refused the plea and they were about to reschedule AGAIN!!) He said, the state was offering nothing but “PROBATION”, a “NO CONTEST PLEA” and a “CAP” on the plea so the judge couldnt change it. So like a fool, I took it…
    three months later, I was confronted by a friend who told me I was nuts and showed me that I was on a registry, he told me to go to the court house and check out my file, so I did.
    I found a doctors report that said therer was no sexual abuse found, and several statements that didn’t line up.
    Needless to say, I fought with the court for about 7 years and in 2005 Judge Charles H. Toliver IV endered a court room nad said that he felt I didn’t do anything, but because I took the plea, there was nothing he could do, (do to the cap) but with that being said, I will let you go from probation, he stepped off the stand, shook my hand and said good luck… BUT WHAT ABOUT TAKING ME OFF THE REGISTRY I ASKED, there is nothing he can do about that its law….\
    If anyone can help me call me at 302-444-7624 Tim Collins

  20. Happy Human says:

    Many points like 1.1 to 1.3.4 etc are applicable to a separate generic code for “Moral Code for Human“. “Moral Code from Human” can be thought of being a parent class. From that class we can “automatically inherit” all these points into “Moral Code for Men“( “Moral Code for Men can explicitly state only those points which exclusively apply to Men(due to gynocentric nature of society; rest all can derive from Moral Code for Humanity). Many of the points can be moved up to Moral Code for Human

    IMHO: By bringing Moral Code for Human, I do not want to emphasize that you are making code for women, or “not” making code for women. What I want to emphasize is that “1.3. Refrain from harming Planet Earth, its atmosphere, oceans, soil, plants or living beings.”. For acting on this above 1.3 point , I do not need to be on my male existence layer. I can very well implement this on my identification as a being. So it belongs to Moral Code for Human Being.

    But Acting on point 2.11 may/will require identification/appreciation of Gender Politics being played in the society. So it belongs to Moral Code for Men explicitly .

    • life4men says:

      Thanks for your comment Happy Human.

      We in Life for Men believe that a single Moral Code is sufficient for all man-kind. We also believe that Women have – and always have had – issues with Morality because Women believe that Morality is to some extent against Women’s perceived interests.

      Therefor we believe that we need to concentrate on Men and Boys when communicating, teaching, enlightening and explaining the Men’s Moral Code.

      Thanks again.

  21. Happy Human says:

    you “may” consider some points from to be added into this.

    For me, the “Acceptance of our Defects” and “Willingness to make amends” are two important traits, to be followed from this list given in the above url.

    • life4men says:

      Thanks for your comment Happy Human.

      It’s funny. The first idea we considered when we discussed possible solutions to this Feminized Misandric Corrupt Society was a 12 step program. After thorough consideration we concluded that a 12 step program would not fit our objectives.

      The article Freedom from Gynocentrism in 12 Steps by August Løvenskiolds – A Voice for Men is in my opinion a psychological self-esteem – self-improvement program. I actually think it’s excellent.

      The Men’s Moral Code by is a practical Moral Guide for Men. It is an educational manual targeting Men and Boys.

      The two can work in parallel.

      For as far as adding “Acceptance of our Defects” to the Men’s Moral Code, in this society that tells men that women are good, fragile and must be protected, when men are hurt by women they are simply unable to process it. When inflicted with a trauma of such magnitude, men must first heal from the trauma before returning to their logical senses. For these traumatized and victimized men, Acceptance of Defects is not the right approach as it may damaged them even more. We can discuss this point further between the two of us if you are interested.

      Regarding: “Willingness to make amends”, we have made several “experiments” with making amends and we concluded that when done by a Man to a Woman the results are extremely poor. This has to do with the sense of entitlement Women have in Western Societies. This led us to conclude that making amends must be left out of the Men’s Moral Code. Again, we can discuss this point further between the two of us if you are interested.

      Thanks again for your comment.

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